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Luis Buñuel


Luis Buñuel was a Spanish Academy Award-winning filmmaker who is considered one of the finest directors in the history of cinema. His filmography includes such celebrated classics as Belle de Jour, Tristana, The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, That Obscure Object of Desire, and his collaborative effort with Salvador Dalí, The Golden Age. [1]
Chapter 15 of his autobiography, My Last Sigh: The Autobiography of Luis Buñuel, is titled "Still an Atheist . . . Thank God!"
On page 256 of his autobiography, he writes, "As I drift toward my last sigh I often imagine a final joke. I convoke around my deathbed my friends who are confirmed atheists, as I am. Then a priest, whom I have summoned, arrives; and to the horror of my friends I make my confession, ask for absolution for my sins, and receive extreme unction. After which I turn over on my side and exire." [3]

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