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Michelle goldberg

Michelle Goldberg is a fomer political writer for salon.com and is the author of Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism, a book on the religious right that made the New York Times bestseller list in 2006. In an interview Goldberg said:

I’d say I’m an agnostic in that I believe that none of us have any idea. When I was younger I was probably a little bit stupidly, militantly atheistic. I’ve since seen some of the ways in which faith can make people better instead of worse. If you look at someone like Bill Moyers, I think it’s pretty clear that this Baptist tradition has shaped his thought and shaped his morality. Or look at the Catholic Worker movement. I did a story not long ago about the Christian Peacemakers in Iraq. Religion moves some people to do profoundly good things. So I’m not quite with Sam Harris, who wrote The End of Faith, who is wholly contemptuous. And I also see how some people really need it. To me the problem is not faith, it’s fundamentalism, and certainty, and this arrogance that you have some kind of hotline to the divine.


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